Record Submission

Record Submission


    1. In order to be considered as an SCTC record, a performance must occur while the athlete was a registered, dues-paying member of the Syracuse  Chargers Track Club. 
    2. If the member registered for the event as a member of another club, the record will not be accepted as a Charger record. 
    3. If the member did not register for the event as a member of any club,  the keeper of Charger records may use his/her discretion in determining if the athlete was representing the Chargers. 
    4. If there was an opportunity to list club affiliation on the entry form,  and the athlete did not enter as a Charger, the record will not, except in the case of extenuating circumstances, be accepted as a Charger record. 
    5. If there was not an opportunity to list club affiliation on the entry  form, the record will, except in the case of extenuating circumstances, be accepted as a Charger record.
    6. An athlete who competes in an event as a member of a USATF club other than the Chargers may not earn a Charger record until 90 days after the event in which he/she represented the other club. After the 90 day period, the Charger record keeper may use his/her discretion in determining whether the athlete is representing the Chargers. 
    7. Performances by current high school and collegiate athletes may be accepted as Charger records when the athlete is entered as a Charger for that competition and the athlete has met the other criteria listed above. 
    8. Performances accepted prior to the development of this policy will be accepted as Charger records, except in the case of extenuating circumstances.