Recent Charger Records 2022.09.01
F55-59 Shot Put 4kg Karen Ellsworth 7.39m 7/30/2022
F55-59 Weight Pentathlon Karen Ellsworth 2690 points 8/9/2022 ·
M55-59 Weight Throw 56lb Norm Deep 6.71m 8/8/2022
Karen’s Shot-Put performance comes from the Empire State T&F Classic, an open competition hosted by USATF Niagara. She used the open division shot weight for women, 4kg, but since the WMA (formerly WAVA) was founded in 1977, the standard shot weight for women in this age division has been 3kg. The record for the 3kg shot weight, 31-1 1/4, is held by Kathleen Cirina (8/2/2002), It will remain on the books since it is longer than the English conversion of Karen’s throw (just shy of 24 ft ¼ in.) Her weight pentathlon, a first for her age-group, was forged at a Discus University event. Norm’s throw converts to just over 22 feet, and thus eclipses Patrick Lynn’s 21 feet 9-inch effort from 2005. He was competing in the Super Weight Throw at a Discus University Summer Throws Series meet.